Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Oh, Today

Finished Other Voices, Other Rooms, after a ridiculously long period of trying. Couldn't get past that carnival scene. Maybe it's because I took a few day's break before Part Three, but it seems to me that Capote lost the thread of things in the home stretch. I couldn't make any more sense of it than Joel could during his fever. All in all, the end disappointed me. But that's mainly because I had high hopes for the beginning.

My favorite part is where Randolph describes his life with Dolores, and how she was more alive in her violent dreams, where she hunted him like an animal, than she ever was in the waking world. Note to self: beware lovely chicas who keep nightmare journals. If I led a more interesting existence, that would be more easily said than done.

1 comment:

AGM said...

The ending is definitely anti-climactic.

But you are full of...climaxes?

Whatever. Yay, you're back! I have a companion in cyberspace!

Who happens to live right down the hall.